Keeping someone with Dementia safe in the hot weather

Summer season is in full swing, and this week is set to potentially have record-breaking temperatures.

Whether you’re a carer or caring for a loved one with dementia, it is essential that they are kept safe, cool and hydrated in the hot weather.

With the warmer weather, additional safety concerns arise, so it is important that their needs are adequately met.

We think that the following tips should go some way to ensure that anyone with dementia is kept safe in the summer months.

1: Stay hydrated- People with dementia may not realise that they are thirsty, so it’s important to encourage them to drink frequently. Avoid drinks that contain alcohol and caffeine as they can contribute to dehydration. 

2: Apply sun cream regularly- People with dementia may not remember to put on sun cream, so it’s essential to either apply the sun cream yourself or to remind them to reapply when needed. 

3: Dress appropriately- As dementia progresses, decision making can become more difficult. Therefore, make sure that only light, summer clothing is easily accessible. Put those winter clothes away!

4: Ensure that sun exposure is limited- Stay in shaded areas as much as possible and stay inside during the hottest part of the day, which is typically between 10am-4pm.

5: Avoid loud noises and crowds- Loud noises and crowds can be overwhelming for someone with dementia, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t take them outside. There are a number of fun and stimulating activities that they can participate in.

Activities can include:

Going to the beach

Having a picnic in the park 

Take up gardening

Visiting a local market
