Winter Tips for Carers

As we approach the Winter season and the cold starts to set in, it’s important that all carers ensure that they are kept as
healthy and safe as possible. Following just a few simple tips can help with this:

1- Make sure you get your flu jab- it’s free to carers, so make sure you get yours done!

2- Have good hand hygiene- Make sure you wash your hands regularly with soap and water and that you dry them thoroughly.

3- If you cough or sneeze try and do it into a tissue, put it in the bin and wash your hands thoroughly.

4- Make sure that you keep warm and wrap up well- Drink lots of warm drinks, have nutritious meals and keep active! 

5- If you take any medication, make sure that you have enough to last when your GP surgery may be closed. 

We value all our carers, which is why it’s so important that you look after your well being! 
